Quand je vois le monsieur qui vend des ballons au parc, l'enfance me revient comme un coup de batte dans la tete. Je me rappelle quand je voulais absolument un truc, un jouet, un gâteau ou un ballon en l'occurrence. Et qu’on me disait NON. Ce n’était pas un non, comme les non d aujourd’hui. C était le non, ou soudainement tu étais super impuissante, de toute façon tu pourrais jamais te l'offrir par toi même. C'était le non ou y'avait vraiment plus rien a esperer. Et c'était le non qui me foutait dans une rage folle. Je déteste les gens qui détestent les enfants qui braillent et qui se roulent par terre. Comprenez les non d'un chihuahua! C'est la rage du désespoir que vous entendez la et non la rage du caprice. Adult suck and then you are one. Bref. Ceci dit, chers parents, ou futurs parents si je puis me permettre, afin d'éviter la rage du ballon non offert, il serait fort judicieux d'offrir un de ses sacs ballons de la styliste espagnole Krizia Robustella a vos bambinos. La bonne combine. Pour éviter que le petit vous foute la honte avec sa morve qui coule quoi hein. Dora.
ps> Je suis vraiment confuse, mais comme vous le savez, je suis sur un ordinateur qui n'est pas le mien. Un emprunt. Il est anglais et pas moyen de savoir comment mettre les accents.
When I see the man who is selling balloons at the park, childhood suddenly hit my head again. I remember when I wanted something, a toy, a cake, or here a balloon. When my parents use to say NO. It wasn’t the same no than today. It was the no where you felt completely powerless. You would never be able to afford it by yourself. It was the hopelessness no. It was the no that made me very angry. In a crazy anger. I hate people who hate kids who are screaming and rolling themselves on the floor. Come on, try to understand. It’s the desperation no, it s not the whim no as you think it is. Adult suck and then you are one. Anyway. Having said that, dear parents or future parents, you should know that to avoid the anger of the non given balloon, it would be wise to offer one of this balloon bag from the spanish designer Krizia Robustella to your kids. The good deal. To avoid the shame you will have when he will cry and have snivel all over in a public place. Dora.
When I see the man who is selling balloons at the park, childhood suddenly hit my head again. I remember when I wanted something, a toy, a cake, or here a balloon. When my parents use to say NO. It wasn’t the same no than today. It was the no where you felt completely powerless. You would never be able to afford it by yourself. It was the hopelessness no. It was the no that made me very angry. In a crazy anger. I hate people who hate kids who are screaming and rolling themselves on the floor. Come on, try to understand. It’s the desperation no, it s not the whim no as you think it is. Adult suck and then you are one. Anyway. Having said that, dear parents or future parents, you should know that to avoid the anger of the non given balloon, it would be wise to offer one of this balloon bag from the spanish designer Krizia Robustella to your kids. The good deal. To avoid the shame you will have when he will cry and have snivel all over in a public place. Dora.