About La Gazette du Mauvais gout

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La mode a commencé a être documenté par la Gazette du Bon Ton, il y'a presque un siècle . Les temps ont changé et aujourd'hui on a envie de dire et "La Gazette Du Mauvais Gout"?Car comme disait Friedrich Nietzsche: "Le mauvais gout a son droit autant que le bon gout".Et il avait raison. Nous le revendiquons, le mauvais gout est plus que jamais le nouveau bon gout. Les fringues et les looks les plus ploucs deviennent toujours un jour ou l'autre les plus cool. Et c'est exactement de ça dont je vais vous parler."SMACK MY KITSCH UP!" Dora Moutot.

Fashion started to be documented by La Gazette Du Bon Ton (La Gazette of Good Taste), almost one century ago. Times changed and today, we feel like saying "and La Gazette du Mauvais gout"?(La Gazette of Bad taste). As Friedrich Nietzsche said " Bad taste has as much rights than Good taste". We're cleaming it, Bad taste is more than ever the new good taste. The most bumpkins outfits and looks always become, one day or another, the coolest. And this is exactly what we're going to talk about here. "SMACK MY KITSCH UP!"Dora Moutot.

@Copyright 2009-2011 Dora Moutot


Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe en ce moment avec cette folie feline, mais si ca continue comme ca, moi je vous le dis, Paris Hilton va finir par echanger son toutou clochette pour un chat. La preuve. Coucou la manicure pour chat. Rose, bleu ou vert au choix. Plus serieusement, ces soft claws sont fait pour proteger les griffes de votre vilain chat, ou plutot proteger vos affaires, pour que celui ci ne ruine pas vos rideaux, votre tapisserie et votre canape. Bref, si on devrait refaire Legally Blonde version 2011, soyons clair, celle ci aurait un chat au lieu d'un chihuahua. Dora.

ps: Je n ai plus d ordi, j ai un virus qui ne m autorise qu a acceder uniquement a viagra.com. Ahaha. Je suis donc sur le clavier de ma coloc suedoise, et je n ai aucune idee ou sont les accents, comme vous pouvez le voir.



Apres une collection fantastique de Jeremy Scott, je ne pensais pas pouvoir m'attendre a mieux. Ou a un équivalent d'originalité pour cette saison. Et pourtant. La nouvelle collection de Christopher Kane est absolument-terriblement excitante! J'ai envie de vous dire, "les années 90 sont dans la place" et les souvenirs d'enfance avec.

Je ne sais pas si vous avez mémoire de ces t-shirts ou il y'avait une sorte de bulle de plastique au milieu, avec souvent des paillettes qui flottaient dans un liquide a l'intérieur. C'était très commun, j avais acheté le mien chez Gap. Il y' avait des petits coeurs dans la bulle et je passais des heures a la tripoter pour faire bouger le glitter dedans. J'avais déjà pensé a une idée de collection comme ça, lorsque je faisais des études de stylisme mais techniquement parlant, ça semblait complètement impossible. Et bien Christopher Kane l'a fait. Des robes et des détails en plastique avec du liquide vert-bleu ou rouge-rose-noir. C'est magnifique, et vu que Kane en est l'auteur, le rendu est classe bien qu'on y trouve une touche de kitsch. Dora


Ce t-shirt Wildfox me rend ma-bou-le. Sold out. Dora


Il n'est jamais trop tard pour devenir un poney magique. Dora.


J'ai une ame-soeur sur cette planète internet. Si, je m'occupe de façon obsessionnelle de collecter les tendances "mauvais gout" dans le monde de la mode et de l'art, Hayley, elle, s'occupe du mauvais gout dans la musique et dans le video-clip. Son blog, Pump That Jam, est s
rieusement mon blog favori de la terre entière, je suis folle d'admiration pour son travail d'archiviste.

Hayley est une reine pour dénicher des perles de mauvais gout, les vidéos qu'elle présente ont une esthétique extrêmement bad taste, mais dans le bon sens du terme, ici pas de video nulles de lolcat. Vous ne pouvez y voir qu'une blague, mais regardez un peu mieux, et peut être que comme moi, vous y verrez des archives étonnante d'inspiration d'un point de vue look et vêtements. Je suis rarement tomb
(voir jamais) sur quelqu'un qui partage exactement les mêmes références que moi et le même sens esthétique. C'est même un peu effrayant, c'est sérieusement comme voir le reflet de mes gouts dans quelqu'un d'autre.
Si vous m'aimez, vous l'aimerez. Dora.


Hi Hayley! First of all, I who's behind the blog Pump That Jam?
Hi! I'm Hayley Pisaturo, I started Pump That Jam in 2009. I studied fashion design at Parsons (school of design) in New York and now I work in fashion styling and live in New York City.

So, how do you find all these videos?
I just find the videos by clicking related links until I find something funny. Or sometimes I'll just search for random things like 'romanian pop star' or 'ecstasy rave song' and just keep clicking through to different videos. Or sometimes now people send me links to amazing videos.

What is your favorite music video?
I think my favorite video has to be 'Acid Rock' by Rhythm Device. it was one of the first ones I got obsessed with, it's just so dumb but so amazing! It's still the dance party that I most want to be at, of all time. I love they way they are dancing, especially the guy on the left who doesn't bend his knees. I was also extremely obsessed with 'Lady of Ice' by Fancy for a while.

Which one do you considere the most hilarious?
The most hilarious video... it's so hard to pick one! They are all hilarious. I don't think I can pick just one. If you look at the all-time faves section of pumpthatjam.com I have a bunch of really funny ones. ACTUALLY WAIT - I think the most hilarious has to be 'I Turn to You' by Mel C. She just makes the best faces and bugs out her eyes while trying to be so serious.

Which one do you considere has the most amazing fashion styling?
The most amazing fashion styling.... well I'm really really into 2 Unlimited. They always look da bomb. Also 'Knockin' by Double Vision has some seriously awesome outfits. Especially the girl in orange with braid pigtails. And a recent vid I posted called 'True Conviction' by Dance Nation has a lot of bangin looks. And of course 'Too Funky' by George Michael. That's a no brainer, it's all Mugler!

Which era do you considere video-vise the most interesting? 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000?
I used to be the most into the 80s, with italodisco and new beat videos. But now I'm really into late 90s/early 2000s, probably because it is the most nostalgic for me! There were so many boybands at this time and if you read Pump That Jam then you will know that I LOVEEEE boybands.

Why do you like to collect only tacky videos? What do you find interresting about it?
I like tacky videos because they are FUN and not so serious, and a lot of them will just get lost in time and disappear. I don't want all those horrible videos to never be seen ever again. There's something pure about these bad-taste music videos - I hate when people make parody videos that are trying to be funny and sarcastic. It's only good when the person making the video is 100% serious and doesn't realize how horribly magnificent their song is. I like videos where the singer/band ISN'T in on the joke. Because even though I know that the songs and videos are really bad I actually genuinely like them.

What does" bad taste" mean to you?
To me 'bad taste' is just something that is so insanely wrong that it's right. Something so disgusting that it's beautiful. One day I realized that the majority of the music I listen to is mainstream pop and really bad techno/eurotrash, and who cares anyway? Good taste is just so boring!!! Ugh. I'm so over the ideas of classic or chic or timeless. Nothing is new anymore, everything borrows from everything else, good taste means nothing. It's just about having fun, and bad taste is definitely a lot more fun than good taste!!!

What kind of fashion do you like?
I follow fashion a lot and definitely have many designers that I really admire and love, but personally what I wear is 90% thrift store/vintage clothing. Some of my most treasured items of clothing cost 99 cents. There's something about finding a garment from another time (even if it was 2005) and taking it out of context to wear in your own life that I love. I used to be really obsessed with this idea of future ice world and wearing pastel icy colors and spandex and crystals. But now I'm into this kind of colorful goth/thug witch/cyber rave zone. I wear hoop earrings a lot and chola lipliner and oversized shirts with Disney/cartoon characters on them. Also I'm very into eyeballs. And also always a lot of acid wash is and has been going on in my wardrobe. I'm really into color and prints too.

A fashion trend that you would love to come back?
A fashion trend I want to come back.... hmmm I don't know!! When I first saw shoulder pads in a new piece of clothing from H&M about two years ago I knew everything was shifting in a good direction. Of course I like baby/neon colored faux fur and Jamiroquai hats but I feel like that's coming back already. And dog collars. Oh I know! I've been looking for solid colored g-string thongs with rhinestones on them like slutty girls would wear in high school and I can't find them anywhere. I also really liked the yellow ski goggles trend, when guys would wear it in a thug way. And the moonsuit that scary spice wears in Spiceworld would be a pretty cool trend.

What is your favorite type of music?
My favorite type of music is catchy, electronic, fun, ghetto and silly. I love popstars, I love Britney Spears, I love the Spice Girls, I love boybands. I like all kinds of music, just not with guitars so much haha. I'm not really into classic rock at all. I also LOVE hip-hop and duh, Nicki Minaj. I mostly listen to top 40 pop and hip-hop, eurotrash techno, and magical music like Enya and Vangelis. There are a lot of really good remixes coming out now too.

How did you start this blog? What's the idea behind it?
I started Pump That Jam a while ago because I would just spend all my time finding hilarious weird videos on youtube and wanted to share them somehow. I got the name for the blog because my sister saw this crazy guy on the street on the upper east side exercising in a neon green spandex thong outfit with headphones and a cd player saying, 'pump that jam, pump that jam, pump it pump it!!' The idea is just to share the joy that I feel when I watch these redonkulous videos. Pure happiness through bad music videos.

Do you read other blogs? Online magazine or paper magazines?

I don't really read a lot of other blogs, I hate all those stupid fashion blogs where girls just take pictures of themselves in boring outfits. I really am obsessed with your website now that I know about it! I like to look at tumblrs and find pictures - I like teen witch tumblr and babylotion22 tumlbr and I get mixes from dismagazine and theratcatchers. I used to be crazy obsessed with fashion magazines but now I only buy special issues that I really like. I still have all my old teen magazines at home - ym, seventeen, Teen People, Tiger Beat. Those are precious to me. I don't read any online magazines, at least I don't think I do.

Thank you Hayley!